21st Century employment solutions to staffing shortages
HC Opportunity Center (HCOC) runs one of the largest employment and disability-focused nonprofit support service programs in Southeastern PA. Our focus is not on individuals' disabilities but rather on their potential.
We are currently contracted to do custom packaging and kitting processes in our Skill Development Center. We work with appliance parts, fasteners, fan assembly, beverage, and food repack as well as co-packing, assembling medical components, filling intricate component packing, as well as point of purchase product boxes are assembling and packaged for shipping. We provide kitting of all types and difficulties, and pack-outs at all levels of detail and custom handwork.
Our workshop area is 30,000 square feet with 200+ workers ready to work on your job!
To serve you better, we have 10,000 square feet of warehouse space, advanced warehouse inventory software, trailer space, three dock doors capable of receiving 53' trailers, one 24ft truck for product pickup and delivery, with 10 pallet positions, 101 inches in height, a Shanklin A27A heat sealer, two Weldotron 6001 L-Bar impulse sealers, digital scale, heat sealers and, rack space to hold over 400 pallets.
By contracting with HCOC, you empower individuals with disabilities to learn skills and processes, which enables them to be skilled and willing employees in the future. Our workers are fully capable of manual intensive handwork, and with high-level workshop supervision, our workers deliver products produced which conform to strict quality assurance specifications. Each job adheres to customer production schedules and deliveries will be on time. Many of our workers may be experiencing employment barriers due to a physical disability, mental health diagnosis, traumatic brain injuries, blindness, or other impediments. By providing special training, tools, and support, our workers become proficient at the jobs they do.
Because of companies wanting to do socially responsible outsourcing, and providing work contracts with us, our workers thrive. Our workers provide 21st Century employment solutions to staffing shortages. We ensure that each worker excels to become good candidates for hire outside of our skill center in the future. Each workshop has up to a 15:1 ratio of workers to supervisors and every worker makes the choice to be here.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss your specfic project needs. Be a leader in your community: place disability inclusion into the heart of your workplace.

Are you ready to discuss how we can help you achieve your business goals?
Contact us about your project.
Mariana Tarau, Senior Director of Operations
mariana.tarau@handi-crafters.org | 610-384-6990, ext. 219
Additional information on HCOC and our business services: